πŸ’‘Problem - My content isn't working...


February 8, 2025

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What to do when your content isn't working...

Read time: 4 Minutes

If there's one thing I've struggled with over the last few years of this business, it's marketing - specifically content marketing.

I've had some wins here and there, like the 10k Creator Show and having lots of creators recommend and share my newsletter and book chapters.

But the short form stuff has stumped me for a long, long time.

The reason, I found, is that I was doing content for content's sake. All of the other creators are on these platforms, I guess i should be on these platforms too!

I started by trying to be everywhere at once - Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and my favorite, Twitter.

That strategy burned me out real quick.

Then a mentor of mine told me that "plenty of million-dollar businesses have been built off of one offer, one audience, and one channel."

πŸ’‘ Boom. Lightbulb moment.

I didn't have to be everywhere at once!

I decided from that moment on to get one channel working. I chose Twitter (and LinkedIn, because I'm using one tool, Typefully, to post to both simultaneously, so it's no extra work) as my social media channel, and I gave every piece of content a purpose and a job.

The purpose of free short-form content, for example, is to get awareness for my ideas and my business. The job is to get people off of the platform and onto my website so that they can go deeper with my free long-form content like my book chapters, blog posts, and podcast episodes.

I built out the rest of the system, proudly named it the Craftsman Content Framework, and now I have a consistent stream of new email subscribers - or leads - coming into my business every single day.

Step 1 for you is to identify the one channel that you want to spend your time on. Ideally this channel has plenty of your right-fit clients so you can connect with them. Bonus if this platform has discovery and algorithmic reach built in!

Then give the content you share on that channel a purpose and a job, track the results, and ensure that you're getting the outcomes you want from that channel - leads - before adding another channel. The metric most people aim for is 10,000 followers, and that's what I'm aiming for this year with my social channels.

Stop posting content for content's sake. Remember, the craftsman mindset is an outcome-focused approach to creative work. Start with the outcome and work backward to create your strategy.

At the event next week, we'll spend an entire session on implementing the Craftsman Content Framework for your business to get that channel up and running and delivering new leads consistently every day.

Grab your ticket to the 2024 Craftsman Creative Event today:



I'll be back tomorrow with another problem/solution email to help you design and build the profitable business of your dreams this year. See you then!


Missed the earlier emails in this series? Check them out here:

​1/16 - I'm not doing the type of work I want to be doing...​

​1/17 - Overcoming imposter syndrome...​

​1/18 - My business isn't working...​

​1/19 - My offer isn't selling...​

​1/22 - I'm not connecting with my audience...​

​1/23 - I'm not reaching enough of my right-fit clients...​


Daren Smith

​Schedule a 1-on-1 Strategy Call​

Check out my new book, BLOCKBUSTER​





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