πŸ’‘Problem - I don't know how to reach my ideal customers and clients...


February 8, 2025

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I'm not reaching enough people...

Read time: 4 Minutes

Today's problem stems from what we talked about yesterday, in that if you don't understand and zero in on your Right Fit Clients, it's hard to know where to reach them online and connect with them.

An issue I see often (and I'm including myself in this group here) are creators who over-rely on the platforms and algorithms to solve this problem.

You see this surface in different ways - people blaming the algorithm, talking about how reach is down, and the like. It's a problem that resurfaces every few months. You've seen it at the macro scale - like Facebook changing how businesses had to pay to reach their fans of their pages, or YouTube or Instagram changing the platform to rely more on short-form video.

But on the micro-scale, you might see your cost per lead on an ad platform go up, or the average number of impressions on a post go down.

The problem isn't the platform, or the algorithm, or anything of the sort. Those are all external problems that are out of our control. The real issue is not taking responsibility for the outcome of having enough leads coming into your business consistently.

What to do instead

To take responsibility for this, I recommend a two-pronged approach, one manual, and one automated. This system works, and you can start with a heavily manual process and then shift to more automated as it starts to work.

Alex Hormozi recently released a book called $100m Leads, and in it, he talks about the four ways you can reach an audience of your right-fit clients.


The top two options are manual options - things that you or someone on your team does daily. Warm outreach is to the people you know (or who know you), and cold outreach is to people who you don't know/who don't know you. Think email, DMs, and texting people.

You'll start here because you can manage the number of people you reach each day more effectively. It's more in your control.

For example, at the beginning of this year, I hired a sales outreach company to email 200 of my RFCs every day leading up to the event. Once the event is done, I'll have them follow up with a different offer. 200 emails per day has led to 1-2 leads per day, who are excited to learn more.

Since I only need about 5 leads per month to get 1 client, those numbers are working out nicely!

I've been doing content for years now, and have never had 5 engaged RFC leads in a week. That's with nearly 3,000 followers online and just as many on my email list. So, safe to say, the post free content system could use some work. I've sporadically run ads to my business as well, but haven't found that to be effective yet either.

So I'll lean into the manual methods to get more leads than I can handle. Then I'll optimize the content and ads to automate the lead generation. Once that matches or exceeds the effectiveness of the manual outreach, I can either scale the business, or pull back on the manual (costly) efforts and let the free content take over.

The takeaway is that I'm responsible for the results I'm getting in my business. If I have a month (or more) where I don't have any new clients come in, it's not because of the algorithm or the platform. It's because I'm not doing enough to ensure I have more leads coming in consistently.

The same is true for your business. You're responsible for the results you're getting in your business. At the 2024 event we'll not only talk about my Craftsman Content System for creating content and generating leads from social media, but how to effectively target your RFCs for your manual outreach.

Grab your ticket to the 2024 Craftsman Creative Event today:



I'll be back tomorrow with another problem/solution email to help you design and build the profitable business of your dreams this year. See you then!


Missed the earlier emails in this series? Check them out here:

​1/16 - I'm not doing the type of work I want to be doing...​

​1/17 - Overcoming imposter syndrome...​

​1/18 - My business isn't working...​

​1/19 - My offer isn't selling...​

​1/22 - I'm not connecting with my audience...​


Daren Smith

​Schedule a 1-on-1 Strategy Call​

Check out my new book, BLOCKBUSTER​





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