The 2024 Event Is Over...Now What Do I Do?


February 1, 2024

Thank You!

I cannot begin to thank you for such an amazing event this week. Over 250 of you registered, we had over 100 people attend live and in-person every day, and I'm seeing amazing independent creators all over the world watch the replays. Thank you!!!

Many of you are wondering, "What do I do now?"

Don't worry, I've got you ;)

First, a quick request - if you enjoyed the event and are willing to share a quick review/testimonial, it would mean the world. You can do so here:

Everyone who leaves a testimonial will be entered into one last giveaway - a lifetime membership to the Society of Independent Creators! ($495 value). The winner will be picked at random on Saturday, February 2nd, so get your testimonials in asap :)

Event Replays

If you purchased a ticket rather than registered for free, you get lifetime access to the replays in the form of a Blueprint - a Notion document similar to the one we used during the event. It will have all of the replays edited down and attached to each of the session "cards" so that you can keep track of your progress and maintain a "current focus" for your business.

The unedited replays from this week expire on Saturday, so if you want lifetime access, you can get that at a discounted price by pre-ordering the Blueprint here:



Blockbuster Blueprint PREORDER

Your blueprint to design and build your own massively profitable, BLOCKBUSTER business.
The Blueprint is a Notion... Read more

The Society of Independent Creators

If you want to continue the momentum we built this week together and with creative peers, you want to join the Society.

Your lifetime membership includes:

  • A 30-minute strategy call with me
  • Monthly MOVIE framework workshops
  • Monthly guest calls with Q&As
  • Monthly BLOCKBUSTER group coaching calls to help you get unstuck and moving forward
  • Weekly accountability check-ins
  • A community platform for you to connect with other creators, ask questions, and get help whenever you need it.
  • Access to the entire library of content from past events, courses, and workshops
  • Complimentary virtual tickets to every future Craftsman Creative Event!

You can sign up at

The Craftsman System

For those of you who know the outcomes you want in your business but need help implementing the MOVIE framework, the Craftsman System is our done-for-you implementation. With it, you'll free up your time, shift your mindset from business operator to business owner, and get every single system in the MOVIE framework built for you.

That includes:

  • The Craftsman Content Framework to create content that pulls people off of the platform and into your business
  • Lead magnets that convert audience into leads
  • An email system to tag and segment your leads, engage them for longer, and sell to them when they're ready
  • Expanding your product ecosystem. Starting with your core offer, we create a whole ecosystem to unlock massive profits in your business
  • Financial and operational systems to ensure you have the right team in place to help you grow to the next level in your business

There are only a few slots left for this quarter. If you're ready, hop on a complimentary 30-minute call with us to discuss your needs, your goals, and how we can help you achieve them. (This is for business owners already doing six figures per year in revenue.)

If you're ready to get started now, you can do so as a single purchase or over three monthly payments.

Lastly, know that I'm on the journey with you. This is the beginning, not the end, so if you ever need anything, you can hop into the community and ask or just shoot me an email and I'll send over resources that we've created over the years to help you get to the next level in your business.

As I said yesterday, I can't wait to see what you create. You have all of the information you need, it's now about implementation, and creating the abundance you want in your life and your business.

Thank you for letting me join you on the journey and be a companion on the path.

Daren Smith

Schedule a 1-on-1 Strategy Call

Grab a copy of my new book, BLOCKBUSTER

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PO Box 594, Provo, UT 84603


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